Biographical Information:
Professor Kenfield's area of interest is ancient Greek art. Though his publications deal with material ranging from the Geometric through the Middle Byzantine cultural phases, his interests of late have centered on architectural sculpture in terra cotta produced in the Greek colonies in southern Italy and Sicily.
Select Publications:
"High Classical and High Baroque in the Architectural Terra Cottas of Morgantina," Hesperia, suppl. XXVII (Princeton, 1994): 275-81
"Technical Variety in the Archaic Architectural Terra Cottas of Morgantina," Deliciae Fictiles II (Amsterdam, 1997): 115-20.
Morgantina Studies VI: The Architectural Terra Cottas (Princeton University Press)
"The Sculptural Significance of Early Greek Armor" Opuscula Romana 9 (1973) 149-156.
"A Modelled Terracotta Frieze from Archaic Morgantina: Its East Greek and Central Italic Affinities" Deliciae Fictiles (Stockholm 1993) 21-28.
Entries on architectural terracottas in Padgett, J.M. (ed.) The Centaur’s Smile: the Human Animal in Early Greek Art (New Haven 2003) no. 45: 220-221; no. 46: 222-224; no. 59:251-253; no. 88: 324-325; no. 89: 326-327.
Deliciae Fictiles III: Architectural Terracottas in Ancient Italy: New Discoveries and Interpretations with I. Edlund-Berry and G. Greco (Oxford 2006) pp. xi-xiii (top), xv (bottom)-xix, 22-24 “Dipoinos, Skyllis and an Antefix in Houston. "
“Heaven’s Exarchs: Early Byzantine Archangels and Delegation of Imperial Power” in Anthony Tuck (ed.) KOINE: Studies in Honor of R. Ross Holloway, (Oxford 2009) pp.54-64.
Longer list of publications
Current Interests & Research:
Greek sculpture with emphasis on the Hellenistic and archaic periods, especially Western Greece or Magna Græcia (Southern Italy and Sicily).
Undergraduate Classes Taught:
Early Greek Art
Later Greek Art
Graduate Classes Taught:
Problems in Ancient Art